Malta Registry of Companies Surpasses 5000 Company Mark in 2014
The registry of Companies has issued an official report for 2014 concerning the number of Maltese incorporated vehicles. 2014 has seen a total of 5,019 new companies incorporated, a 10.8% increment over 2014. This brings the total number of incorporations of companies to 68,676, complemented by 1,640 partnerships.
There was also a 1.5% decline in the number of company liquidations and a 9% decline in mergers. These statistics, are often seen as significant bellweathers in assessing the maturity of a financial jurisdiction, all pointing towards a consolidation of Malta as a corporate hub.
On the redomiciliation front, 85 companies were continued into Malta in 2014, down from the record number (111) registered in 2013, whilst the number of outward redomiciled companies was 16. The lion’s share of inward redomiciliations (75%) were understandably from non-EU jurisdictions, with the remaining 25% of redomiciliations being from EU member states.
Of the total companies redomiciled in 2014, over a third were involved in property activities, 20% were private investment companies, and around 14% were holding companies.
Over the past years, Malta has registered continuous and steady growth in the number of incorporations, often in the range o f 8-10% increases from previous years. This relentless increase, is particularly significant in the light of the challenging EU financial climate, with investors eager at seeking a safe haven from financial turmoil. Malta’s blend of highly attractive fiscal regime, transposition of EU directives, access to EU Markets, extensive double tax treaty network, a multilingual and skilled labour force, flexible yet respectable regulator, political and financial stability (endorsed by a series of independent rating agencies) have all been contributing factors to this steady increase.